Thursday, April 30, 2009

Surreal Happiness, a home to call my own

So much has happened since I spent the time to write in here last. Ok where to start, well I got vamp napped by my ex last week and almost killed. It was great fun. Not! I made it out alive thanks to Renata and her brothers but mainly her cause she's the only one who gave a shit what was going on. I got another scar from that bastard. Funny how I manage 300 some years without one damn bite mark and a couple months with Corin I manage to get 2. Whatever. So we came back home and of course Cor was freaking out but I would be too. He really wouldn't let me move much for like three whole days, it kinda sucked. I was totally going stir crazy but I really liked our alone time. We talked a lot and I didn't know he could actually talk that much, I must be rubbing off on him :). I had planned to ask him to marry me on Monday night, I had something big planned but obviously that didn't work out so I proposed to him in our room, half broken. He said yes and we set a date, June 21st, brightest day of the year. So wedding plans yay! Ren is ecstatic and so are many of our friends. There's a few of friends that are rather surprised about it though. Recently a few nomads got twitters. One named Thanh saw me at one of my concerts a few years back and remembered who I was. She thinks I'm fucking insane lol. I can't say I don't fit the bill. I was quite the um rocker before I met Corin. I'm not one to sit still and not be in the scene having a good time.

Speaking of Thanh, her and Malakai got me missing nomad life something terrible. So somehow she convinced Cor to let me go to the states for a few weeks to get a last run in before I get a leash. Ugh I hate that term. Leash. Yuck. On that note I'm going shopping with Thanh to get some things to uh make sure my man doesn't forget me while I'm in the states. I promise promise promise I will blog more. I need to get on here more I'm so sorry.